Friday, May 21, 2010

"Flip It Friday"

I was on a great webinar this morning hosted by "GetControl" focusing on getting control of your email. Some of you may be familiar with one of my favorite books -- "The Hamster Revolution" by Mike Song. This webinar, hosted by his company, covered a few of the tips from this book as well as a few others.

One of the tips that I want to share with you today is "Flip it Friday." It is a great concept and a perfect Friday project.

For most of us, we view email with the most recent listed on top and then work our way down the list. Well, on Friday, "Flip It" -- view the oldest email on top and work your way down the list. It is amazing how many "old" emails are still in the Inbox. These emails have either past date due, are handled or are no longer relevelant. As you work your way down, these "old" emails can be deleted or filed.

As you go through this list you can quickly get your Inbox under control and have only those emails that are still revelevant and needing a reply left.

It is true that the "clutter" in your inbox also clutters your thinking. By clearing the clutter, you will free your thoughts to the more productive projects at hand.

So, "Flip It Friday" and have a great weekend!

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